Uniqorn Academy
Coaching - Training - Consultancy
Uniqorn Academy solves emerging skills & wellbeing problems using an integrative and relational approach.

Your new life begins here. Uniqorn Academy is here to provide you with the personal and professional support & tools you need in order to bring change. Learn more by exploring the site or contact us at contact@uniqornacademy.com and reach the pinnacle of success, without compromising on your joy & wellbeing.​
How would you like to uniqorn today?
1-2-1 & Group Coaching for you to unlock your potential, overcome a specific challenge or to gain clarity when you don't know where to start.
Latest research-based skills & wellbeing trainings to corporate retreat workshops, you are guaranteed actionable takeaways without compromising on the joy of learning.
*Select Customers Only*
In depth skills & wellbeing analysis for your team, customized executive & team trainings & sustainability check
Most popular workshops & trainings
Analog Solutions to Digital Work / Teaching & Learning (uCorp & uAcademia)
Online community building (uCorp & uAcademia)
Social and embodied management of Hybrid Work Environments (including digital fatigue, sensory relief for online working options, etc.) (uCorp & uAcademia)
Postgraduate & Early Career Skills & Wellbeing (uAcademia & uCoaching)
Career change in times of Great Resignation (uCoaching)
Solopreneur empowerment package (uCoaching)
Academia to Elsewhere (min 12 weeks mentoring, with an option to combine with entrepreneurial empowerment package) (uCoaching)
Signature WORKSHOPS combining creativity & wellbeing tools. Experience a therapeutic effect while learning new skills
Sense Well - Sensory & creativity
Write the .hit out of your baggage - Release and transform unpleasant & traumatic events
Should I stay or Should I Go? - Career change clarity & management
Write your own Affirmations - Combining creative writing with a brain hacking technique to overcome professional & personal blockages

Uniqorn Academy provides bespoke trainings & workshop programs, customizing its research-based content & award winning delivery methods for your needs and priorities. Whether it is one-to-one coaching & mentoring or group training, you are guaranteed to be given a finely tuned solution that is unique to your circumstances, applicable & sustainable.
Book an exploration call with us to discuss your options about: ​
Workplace skills & wellbeing
Academic skills & wellbeing
Corporate retreat design
Team building, staff away day & creative wellbeing activities
Selected Clients and Partners

Explore Uniqorn Store
Audio recordings, manuals and other skills & wellbeing resources
(Psst, some are FREE!)

uniqorn \ ˈyü-nÉ™-ËŒkȯrn \
-inspired by but not to be confused with unicorn
noun. A creature, mostly in human form that loves learning, exploring and acquiring skills playfully and is aware of their own unique resources, capacities and wellbeing needs.
verb. to uniqorn To engage with worldly activities and with other creatures in a playful, joyous, conducive to wellness manner.
noun & adverb. uniqornway Doing things with a sparkle of joy, magic, creativity and a feeling of lightness; to play seriously, to cry joyously, to work playfully are all activities done uniqornway.